Neil Lerner Kitchens



Neil Lerner Kitchens
487 to 489 Finchley Road,
London, NW3 6HS
Tel: 020 7433 0705

Neil Lerner kitchens wins design competition

Want more space? Let us show you what we can do!

Nowadays we’re all so busy and preoccupied, we all want to have more time and more space!  Well, we’re not magicians so there’s not a lot we can do about the time but we can offer some great solutions when it comes to creating extra space in the kitchen!

We’ve certainly come across our fair share of kitchens where the owners are fighting with the bowls to get to the plates and the pots and pans are doing their best impression of the leaning tower of Pisa! That is until we step in with our space saving wand…

It’s all good and well your kitchen looking slick & shiny new but it’s got to be functional too, so we like to think that our hallmark is combining sleek, refined looks with attention to detail. Devising special ergonomic elements and incorporating clever ideas to maximise space, time and energy is what we’re all about!

Check out some of our great space saving designs in situ below and if you’ve got any pics or great space saving ideas that you’d love to share let us know and we’ll pop them on our facebook gallery.