Neil Lerner Kitchens



Neil Lerner Kitchens
487 to 489 Finchley Road,
London, NW3 6HS
Tel: 020 7433 0705

Neil Lerner kitchens wins design competition

The kitchen classroom!

It’s the summer holidays 🙂  however it’s not exactly bucket & spade weather 🙁  So how to entertain the kids?

Well how about getting the little ones into the kitchen for a spot of  jam making!  Whilst it’s fun and easy to do there’s loads that the kids can learn, from measuring and weighing ingredients to handling kitchen equipment safely….and the reward for all that learning? Ooodles of scrumptious jam!

This is just one of the many delicious recipes shared by Lisa Roukin of cookwithlisa and if you have a budding chef on your hands they might be interested in joining Lisa’s Cooking School  and before you know it they’ll be cooking dinner for you!