Neil Lerner Kitchens



Neil Lerner Kitchens
487 to 489 Finchley Road,
London, NW3 6HS
Tel: 020 7433 0705

Neil Lerner kitchens wins design competition

Miele reopens Flagship London Experience Centre

Leading kitchen appliance manufacturer, Miele has just reopened its flagship central London showroom after a major refurbishment.  Designed to showcase its latest appliance innovations in an impressive design environment, the refurbished Miele London Experience Centre is the perfect venue for viewing the entire range of Miele appliances. A team of Miele product experts and home economists are also on hand to offer advice and support to potential customers and owners.

Located at the top of Wigmore Street, the front half of the refurbished 200m2 Experience Centre features four stylish kitchens fitted with the latest Miele appliances that push the boundaries for performance and design. The next section houses a separate laundry and dishwasher area with live appliances along with a working kitchen for pre and post purchase customer demonstrations.  As well as the refurbishment inside, the exterior of the London Experience Centre has also been updated to include a new entrance with two full-length glass doors.


Demonstrations take place here for Miele owners who want to get the most out of their steam and steam combination ovens. During Discover Your Steam Oven, £30 owners will be shown the principles of steam cooking and how versatile Miele steam ovens are. Discover Combi-Steam, £30 goes through the features of the ovens such as Menu Cooking, the roast probe and combination cooking, as well as the basics on how the oven works. Lunch is included in both one-hour sessions.

At neillerner kitchen design, we encourage clients who are interested in Miele appliances to visit the Experience Centre for one-to-one appointments with expert home economists, prior to choosing their cooking appliances.  It is the ideal opportunity to ask all those questions you really need to know before purchase and to see the appliances in action!

Visit for more information on Miele demonstrations.

Address Miele London Experience Centre, 15-19 Cavendish Place London W1G 0QE

Telephone 0330 160 6610