Neil Lerner Kitchens



Neil Lerner Kitchens
487 to 489 Finchley Road,
London, NW3 6HS
Tel: 020 7433 0705

Neil Lerner kitchens wins design competition

Leek lovers…this one’s for you!

The bank holiday weekend is here and we think we might just get in the kitchen, put the ol’ apron on and rustle up a treat with one of Lisa Roukin’s delicious recipes.

We particularly like her Sauteed Leek & Feta Pizza, it’s so easy to make, tastes delicious and is full of greeny goodness…an instant wow with the family!

To impress them even further, here’s a few stats on leeks :

  • The leek has been recognised as the emblem of Wales since the middle of the 16th century.
  • The Welsh claim that wearing leeks in their helmets helped them achieve victory in battle.
  • Roman emperor Nero drank a quarter of leek soup each day as he believed it would enhance his singing voice.

If after all that Leeky knowledge you want to learn how to grow your own, check out this site here full of useful hints & tips.
